JavaScript experiments
Pendulum game - Keep the cartpole up without touching the walls. Only works on touchscreens.
Legacy BlobBot - Build a blob machine and try to reach the end as quickly as possible.
New BlobBot - Evolve blob creatures to be fast.
Evolution - A space shooting game with enemies trying to get smarter.
Tree - A relaxing growing tree.
TET Keyboard - A microtonal keyboard.
Julia fractal - One way of visualizing the construction of Julia sets.
Nuclei game - A little game based on nuclear fusion.
Color space - An LCh color explorer.
Rope simulation - An interactive simulation to practice your best knots.
Polyphasic sleep scheduler - For those who want to schedule how bad they are sleeping.
Flatten the Curve? What, How & Why - Created during the LauzHack hackaton against COVID-19.